Vent & Exhaust Valves

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Vent and exhaust valves are components commonly used in various systems to control the flow of gases or fluids. They serve different purposes and are typically found in systems such as plumbing, HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning), industrial processes, and more.

Vent Valve:
A vent valve is used to release trapped air or gases from a system. In plumbing systems, for example, vent valves are installed to prevent airlocks that could hinder the flow of water through pipes. In industrial processes, vent valves are used to release gases that might accumulate during certain operations.

Exhaust Valve:
An exhaust valve is used to release gases or fluids from a system to the outside environment. In engines, such as internal combustion engines, exhaust valves are used to expel the burned gases from the combustion chamber. In HVAC systems, exhaust valves are used to expel used or stale air from a building to maintain indoor air quality.

Both vent and exhaust valves are designed to regulate the flow of gases or fluids and ensure the proper functioning of the systems they are a part of. They come in various types and designs depending on the specific application and requirements of the system.


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