Odour Control System – Misting system eliminates odours at waste treatment facility

Categories: Misting Systems, Odour ControlPublished On: July 14, 2015

July 14, 2015


Tecpro Australia has designed an odour control system for a new grease trap waste facility in Dubbo, NSW.

The new facility treats greasy liquid waste from local businesses and features an odour neutralising misting system designed by technical specialists, Tecpro Australia.

“As you’d expect with a waste facility, unpleasant odours can occur intermittently within the building, particularly when new waste is received and unloaded,” said Andrew Cooke, Sales Manager with Tecpro Australia. “It was a condition of the new facility’s approval that it include an effective odour
control system.”

The supplier of the odour neutralising agent, For Earth Pty Ltd, approached Tecpro to design and fabricate a misting system to eliminate the odour.

“Our design features high pressure pipes that run across the ceiling of the facility,” said Mr Cooke. “Each pipe is fitted with a series of fogging nozzles that discharge a powerful plume of mist. This mist incorporates the odour neutralising solution, enabling nasty smells to be eliminated.”

The system also features a high pressure pump, along with a timer that allows for duty cycles to be adjusted as needed.

“For example, the misting system can be run for 20 seconds on and 20 seconds off, or this could be increased or reduced, depending how busy the facility is,” said Mr Cooke. “And because the mist droplets are so fine, they evaporate quickly so water doesn’t pool in the facility.”

Feedback has been very positive about the success of the odour control system. “If smells occur, they are removed completely within a couple of minutes of the system starting up,” said Mr Cooke. “The system can also be used to reduce the air temperature inside the building which is especially useful in summer. Naturally this makes it a much more pleasant place for anyone who works within the facility.”

Tecpro Australia is skilled in designing, manufacturing and commissioning odour neutralisation systems for industrial environments throughout Australia. Talk to us today about how we can help with your odour problem.

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