Manual dust controller – a quiet achiever at an affordable price

Categories: Dust Controllers, Dust SuppressionPublished On: December 1, 2021

December 1, 2021


Falling somewhere between the noise levels of a casual conversation and your dishwasher, the super quiet V12S Dust Controllers remain the world’s quietest dust control solution while being highly effective at abating dust. But now there is a new model in their range – the V12S Manual Dust Controller.

This new model is just as quiet and effective as the more advanced V12S units. However, the V12S Manual lacks some of the bells and whistles associated with earlier models, such as auto-rotate and remote operation controls. As a result, the V12S Manual Dust Controller has a lower investment entry point – making it more affordable for many operators.

Specifically designed for construction sites in city centres and areas where noise levels need to be low, the V12S Manual Dust Controller emits a quiet 60-63 dB(A) at 20m on low speed. That’s quieter than the average Australian dishwasher!

The lower noise emissions are due to the patented design of the fan blades.  The blades’ aerodynamic design also ensures low energy consumption. In addition, the V12S Manual is highly water-efficient with a maximum water flow of 110 l/min. With its 2-speed variable fan, it can provide throw distances of up to 25-35m at low speed to 50-65m at the higher fan speed settings.

The V12S Manual’s compact size means it is suitable for permanent installation or positioning on an elevated platform. However, it is also easy to relocate from site to site as it comes with a trailer option or you can simply use a forklift to load it onto a van or light truck.

You can also add several options to your V12S Manual Dust Controller at the time of original purchase or down the track. These include a submersible pump, electric swing and remote control.

Apart from construction sites, the V12S Manual Dust Controller is suitable for industrial, demolition, recycling plants, material storage terminals, loading facilities, landfills, wood processing plants and mining applications.

If you would like to know more about the capabilities of any of the V12S Dust Controllers, get in touch with Tecpro Australia. They are award-winning experts when it comes to the design, supply and installation of dust abatement solutions.