Polished stainless steel eductors: Simple, cost effective way to keep solids in suspension


October 30, 2015


stainless steel eductors – Traditionally, the food and beverage industry relied on mechanical devices to keep solids in suspension. However there is another, simpler way to mix and maintain desired suspension levels.

Polished AISI 316 stainless steel Eductors from Tecpro Australia offer an ideal solution. They are highly polished inside and out to prevent bacteria build up. Recently installed in large milk silos in a processing plant, the special Tecpro Eductors are responsible for keeping milk solids in suspension.

The Eductors keep the solids in suspension in 2 ways:

1) The Eductors are strategically positioned in the silo to ensure they produce a continuous current which cycles product from the bottom to the top of the tank. This prevents the solids from settling so they remain in suspension.

2) Liquid is pumped through the Eductors causing liquid in the vicinity to be drawn-in and through the Eductors, thereby mixing the induced liquid (which usually has a high concentration of solids) with the pumped liquid.

This system is ideal when adding fresh product to the silo or to ensure all product is continuously circulated throughout the tank.

Typically, the pumped liquid mixes with the induced liquid in a ratio of 4:1.

Suitable for use in food and beverage applications
In the past, Eductors have not been suitable for use in the Australian food and beverage industry because they are a rough, cast product. However, Tecpro Australia has developed a new technique to polish Eductors to a RA (surface roughness) that is suitable for any application. The new technique can achieve the desired RA on both inside and outside surfaces. This means it is now possible to use highly polished, stainless steel Eductors in food and beverage manufacturing.

Maintenance free with no moving parts
With no moving parts, the Eductors are maintenance free. While a pump is required to move the liquid through the Eductors, it is located outside the tank making maintenance easy.

Technical advice for your application
The Eductors are typically positioned close to the bottom of the tank. The number required will depend on the characteristics of the application and the turnover rate. The Technical Consultants at Tecpro Australia are available to provide advice on the size, location, orientation and number of Eductors required for any application. For advice or information contact us today.

See product: www.tecpro.com.au/product/mixing-eductors

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