Misting fans – protect workers in extreme heat conditions

Categories: Evaporative Cooling, Misting SystemsPublished On: November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018


Misting Fans – Some industries require their teams to work in extreme temperatures due to the weather or as a result of the work itself. In these environments, employers have a duty of care to reduce the risk of heat related illness where “reasonably practical”. But as we know, in some locations, this task is not easy.

In mining or construction lunch areas and in some factories and warehouses, the cost of installing air conditioners is prohibitive. But that doesn’t diminish the need to provide a safe and comfortable workplace. That’s where a Misting Fan Fogging System may provide the solution.

How they work

The Kits come with a pump capable of nebulising water into droplets as small as 10 microns each (that’s less than the thickness of a hair). Then using whisper quiet 360° ceiling or wall mounted fans, the nebulised water droplets are blown throughout the area to be cooled. The tiny droplets quickly evaporate – reducing the ambient temperature of the area without wetting.

Misting Fan Kits are available with 2, 4 or 6 misting fans to suit the area to be covered. Each fan can blow a cool, misting cloud up to 6m in diameter. Custom and In-line cooling systems are also available.

Ideal environments

The Nebulising Fogging System Kits provide the best results when temperatures are between 26° – 45°C with relative humidity between 40% – 80%. They are also suitable for indoor or external use.

A large variety of Systems available

Tecpro Australia offers a wide range of Misting and Fogging Systems to suit most applications, including temperature reduction and humidification as well as dust suppression and odour control.

If our existing solutions cannot meet your application’s requirements, we can custom design a system for you. Contact us to talk to one of the Technical Consultants at Tecpro Australia.